Herskind Communication hjælper dig med alt fra intern kommunikation til ekstern kommunikation og forandringskommunikation – med en stærk sproglig vinkel og øje for, hvordan sprog, tekster og kommunikations-kanaler kan bruges til at skabe mening og handling. Jeg er meget optaget af at gøre det komplekse lettilgængeligt og strategier til konkrete handlinger.
Herskind Communication hjælper dig med alt fra intern kommunikation til ekstern kommunikation og forandringskommunikation – med en stærk sproglig vinkel og øje for, hvordan sprog, tekster og kommunikationskanaler kan bruges til at skabe mening og handling. Jeg er meget optaget af at gøre det komplekse lettilgængeligt og strategier til konkrete handlinger.

I’m delighted to recommend Birgitta Herskind for her outstanding contribution to the success of our Language Services team at Ørsted. Birgitta has been a valuable addition to our team, providing exceptional expertise and skills in delivering high-quality language services to our clients.
A lively pen with character
I have been lucky to work with Birgitta on several projects at Ørsted, where I have benefitted greatly from her support in writing articles, internal posts and magazines.

I had the pleasure to work with Birgitta in her role as communication consultant on updating Ørsted’s onboarding magazine.
Birgitta is a fantastic writer and editor with sharp eyes for the details and the big picture at the same time, which is easy to see if you read the magazine. She grasped the challenging content and communicated it in a natural way that’s easy to follow and understand.
Jeg arbejdede sammen med Birgitta om at udvikle en e-learning der skulle præsentere det nye procesledelsessystem i Ørsted. Der kom flere rosende tilbagemeldinger på e-learningen fra brugerne. De kommenterede blandt andet at den var nede på jorden, simpel og nem at forstå.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Birgitta on a large project developing and implementing a new, global onboarding concept in Ørsted. Birgitta was responsible for creating several products for the new concept, including an iPaper which introduces new employees to Ørsted’s business.
Jeg har arbejdet sammen med Birgitta i 2,5 år i Ørsted Offshores afdeling Quality & Process Excellence, og var i seks måneder Birgittas projektleder på et kulturforandringsprojekt omkring kvalitet.

I’ve been Birgitta Herskind’s project manager for a year on Plan Care Communicate, an extensive project that has its scope to boost the QHSE culture in Ørsted. In her capacity as communication consultant, Birgitta has positively contributed with a wide range of change communication input…
Developed and implemented communication strategy for the SHAPE program, a rollout program of SAP to 30 legal entities with approx. 6,000 employees.

Birgitta was a consultant in Internal Communication in GEA Group under my direct supervision for two years as part of the team developing internal communication for 17,000 employees globally.
Birgitta was communication manager in the change management team that I head, rolling out a CRM – SAP C4C – platform in GEA Group.

Birgitta leverer varen! Hun har skrevet og læst korrektur på det meste af mit undervisningsmateriale på dansk, og oversat det til engelsk. Birgitta har formået at forstå mine mundtlige budskaber, og fået dem ned på papir.
Som medforfatter til COWIs populære skrivevejledning på dansk og engelsk har Birgitta været med at opstille klare retningslinjer for god kommunikation.

Vi har brugt Birgitta som tekstforfatter og oversætter, og hun leverer et supergodt resultat hver gang. Hun har en stor sproglig og kommunikativ forståelse og
As a copywriter, Birgitta has written texts for NorthHouse Partners’ website as well as our mission statement and product sheets for business transformation and training.

Birgitta and I worked together in a European context where she was part of a round table discussing the implications for business of an EU research project on multilingualism.
Birgitta har assisteret Konica Minolta med oversættelse og tilretning af materiale udviklet af vores moderselskab i Tyskland, såsom pressemeddelelser, produktinformation, microsites m.m.

Birgitta has been a communication partner on the SHAPE program since August 2014. I have been very happy with her communication efforts, which included the following:
Developed and implemented communication strategy for the SHAPE program, a rollout program of SAP to 30 legal entities with approx. 6,000 employees.
Created awareness of the purpose and extent of the program amongst all employees (2,500 have viewed the intranet page about SHAPE).
Developed intranet site with information and news about the SHAPE program.
Written 7 articles about specific areas of the program, with a readership about 500-600 for each article.
Developed specific communication for one company having the SHAPE program rolled out – intranet news, support brochures that were translated into the company language and distributed.
Improved awareness of communication internally in the SHAPE team.
Benjamin Loer Hansen
IT Department Manager, ERP Solutions
GEA Group

Birgitta was a consultant in Internal Communication in GEA Group under my direct supervision for two years as part of the team developing internal communication for 17,000 employees globally. On the editorial side, Birgitta produced articles and news for the intranet and was involved in launching and writing a new employee magazine. Based on her strong linguistic skills, Birgitta drafted a language guide for the company. She also started up a project with the University of Copenhagen on working in remote teams, and a project on how to reach non-wired employees globally.
We particularly benefitted from Birgitta’s competences in change communication. She delivered communication strategies and operational input for integration processes on mergers & acquisitions, and provided change communication on a large rollout of SAP for ERP. After being part of the Internal Communication department, Birgitta has spent a year working as a change communication consultant on three large projects in GEA; a global rollout of a SAP-based CRM solution, IT harmonization in GEA globally (going from decentralized to global systems), and the rollout of global travel expense management program, the SAP-based Concur.
Throughout her time in GEA, Birgitta has approached her tasks with enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity and has made it a point to engage others and share knowledge. Birgitta has a strong ability to interact with people from all areas of a large, complex and international organization and to form relations. I can warmly recommend Birgitta for internal and change communication.
Christian Larsen
Director of Internal Communication & Corporate Events
GEA Group

Birgitta was communication manager in the change management team that I head, rolling out a CRM – SAP C4C – platform in GEA Group.
Birgitta was responsible for all topics related to communication, such as branding the project in the organization, writing articles and news on milestones, developing an intranet area for the project, presentations, registration information and contact with stakeholders such as hub communicators, providing them with communication packages.
Birgitta added high value to the project, ensuring user acceptance in the CRM implementation with her focus on putting herself in the shoes of the users. Her strong writing skills get the right messages across in a clear and understandable way and create employee engagement.
Working together with Birgitta was an outstanding experience, as she combines empathy, spirit and excellent communication skills.
Kathleen Hartig
Senior Change Manager
IBM Germany

Vi har brugt Birgitta som tekstforfatter og oversætter, og hun leverer et supergodt resultat hver gang. Hun har en stor sproglig og kommunikativ forståelse og leverer et knivskarpt budskab. Jeg kan videregive mine bedste anbefalinger for Birgitta som oversætter og tekstforfatter.
Maria Dziadzio-Jensen
Packaging Design Manager & Marketing Coordinator
Inwido A/S
We have used Birgitta as a copywriter and translator, and she delivers an excellent – and thorough – job every time. Birgitta has great linguistic and communicative understanding, and she delivers texts with a sharp message every time. I can highly recommend Birgitta as a translator and copywriter.
Maria Dziadzio-Jensen
Packaging Design Manager & Marketing Coordinator
Inwido A/S

Birgitta har assisteret Konica Minolta med oversættelse og tilretning af materiale udviklet af vores moderselskab i Tyskland, såsom pressemeddelelser, produktinformation, microsites m.m.
Birgitta er en meget servicemindet person, der har stærke kommunikative kompetencer, både på det professionelle og personlige plan. Samtidig er hun meget behagelig at arbejde sammen med – altid i godt humør og med et højt drive. Jeg kan kun give Birgitta mine bedste anbefalinger.
Tina Michelsen
Marketing Coordinator
Tidl. Konica Minolta business solutions Denmark A/S

Birgitta leverer varen! Hun har skrevet og læst korrektur på det meste af mit undervisningsmateriale på dansk, og oversat det til engelsk. Birgitta har formået at forstå mine mundtlige budskaber, og fået dem ned på papir. Hun er effektiv, systematisk og grundig. Birgitta har samtidig en rigtig god pædagogisk feedback-vinkel, hvis du selv ønsker at blive en dygtigere skribent. Uanset hvor dygtig du er, kan hun altid lære dig noget nyt om dit sprog både på dansk og engelsk.
Ricki Nielsen
Personlig brandingspecialist

I’m delighted to recommend Birgitta Herskind for her outstanding contribution to the success of our Language Services team at Ørsted. Birgitta has been a valuable addition to our team, providing exceptional expertise and skills in delivering high-quality language services to our clients.
Birgitta has a passion for her work that’s evident in everything she does. She’s always striving to improve the quality of our services, and her creativity and innovative ideas have been instrumental in helping us achieve this goal. Her attention to detail is impeccable, ensuring that all work is of the highest standard and meets the needs of our clients.
Birgitta has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in her field, and she’s always eager to share this with her colleagues. She’s been an invaluable resource to our team, providing guidance and support whenever it’s been needed. Her willingness to embrace new ideas and approaches has been instrumental in driving our team’s success.
In addition to her professional skills, Birgitta is a pleasure to work with. She’s approachable, friendly, and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that our clients receive the best possible service. Her positive attitude and enthusiasm for her work are infectious, and she’ll be a valuable asset to any team.
In summary, I wholeheartedly recommend Birgitta Herskind for any language services role. Her passion, creativity, professionalism, attention to detail, knowledge, and all-around pleasant demeanor make her an outstanding candidate for any position. I’m confident that she’ll continue to make a significant contribution to any team she works with.
Lone Ravnholt Kanstrup
Language Manager
Global Language Services

A lively pen with character
I have been lucky to work with Birgitta on several projects at Ørsted, where I have benefitted greatly from her support in writing articles, internal posts and magazines.
In particular, I still look back on an initiative of co-creating on safety with contractors, which set the direction for the entire industry on the benefits of collaboration with contractors to both increase safety performance, but essentially improving safety for people at the workplace.
Birgitta shows her passion in writing by not only thoroughly understanding the subject, but bringing bold ideas into the story, and advocating for the viewpoints of the recipient.
A great writer, but truly a valued colleague.
Jesper Bagge Hansen
Head of QHSE Enterprise Risk & Assurance

I had the pleasure to work with Birgitta in her role as communication consultant on updating Ørsted’s onboarding magazine.
Birgitta is a fantastic writer and editor with sharp eyes for the details and the big picture at the same time, which is easy to see if you read the magazine. She grasped the challenging content and communicated it in a natural way that’s easy to follow and understand.
Birgitta is a great team player, open for new ideas and opinions, and a pleasure to work with. I appreciate that Birgitta brings her good mood and humor to our meetings, which not only contributes to a positive work environment, but also strengthens our collaboration.
I really enjoyed working with Birgitta and am looking forward to collaborating with her on the next project 😊
Timea Czebei
Global Onboarding Lead
Ørsted Learning

Jeg arbejdede sammen med Birgitta om at udvikle en e-learning der skulle præsentere det nye procesledelsessystem i Ørsted. Der kom flere rosende tilbagemeldinger på e-learningen fra brugerne. De kommenterede blandt andet at den var nede på jorden, simpel og nem at forstå.
Birgitta er nem at arbejde sammen med og hun er god til at formidle kompliceret stof kort og præcist.
Gitte Meldgaard
Ørsted QHSE

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Birgitta on a large project developing and implementing a new, global onboarding concept in Ørsted. Birgitta was responsible for creating several products for the new concept, including an iPaper which introduces new employees to Ørsted’s business. Birgitta delivered all the products at the highest quality, not least because of her extraordinary ability to immerse herself in the fields she’s working in and to understand the recipients of the work she produces. It’s also a pleasure to work with Birgitta because of her always good mood and positive approach to the assignments she takes on. I can warmly recommend Birgitta, and from now on, she’ll be the first that I’ll reach out to for future communication tasks.
Cecilie Janet Junker
Senior HR Consultant
Global Talent Acquisition

Jeg har arbejdet sammen med Birgitta i 2,5 år i Ørsted Offshores afdeling Quality & Process Excellence, og var i seks måneder Birgittas projektleder på et kulturforandringsprojekt omkring kvalitet.
Som ekstern kommunikationskonsulent tog Birgitta opgaverne yderst seriøst, og hun var hurtig og skarp til at sætte sig ind i konteksten og gøre kommunikationen relevant.
Det har også betydet, at Birgitta har hjulpet mig og flere andre på QHSE-området med sin kommunikative og sproglige viden i hele sin tid i Ørsted.
Birgitta er derudover en god sparringspartner, og jeg kan varmt anbefale hende som kommunikationskonsulent.
Lene Tingleff
Lead Learning and Development Specialist
QHSE Competence & TrainingÂ

I’ve been Birgitta Herskind’s project manager for a year on Plan Care Communicate, an extensive project that has its scope to boost the QHSE culture in Ørsted. In her capacity as communication consultant, Birgitta has positively contributed with a wide range of change communication input, including a communication strategy, scripts and workshop materials – always with a strategic approach and keeping the target group and their readiness for change in mind.
Birgitta works independently, takes initiative and is very constructive. We’ve benefitted from her high professional standard as well as her service-mindedness, which was reflected in her taking responsibility for technical aspects of the e-learning in Ørsted’s Learning Management System and ensuring data discipline and planning on the project. I can highly recommend Birgitta as a communication consultant.
Kristian Scharling
Lead Quality Consultant
QHSE Improvement

Birgitta works independently, takes initiative and is very constructive. We’ve benefitted from her high professional standard as well as her service-mindedness, which was reflected in her taking responsibility for technical aspects of the e-learning in Ørsted’s Learning Management System and ensuring data discipline and planning on the project. I can highly recommend Birgitta as a communication consultant.
Iulia Iordache
Senior HR Business Partner
People & Development Europe

Birgitta and I worked together in a European context where she was part of a round table discussing the implications for business of an EU research project on multilingualism. This round table was part of a larger conference held in Brussels. Birgitta’s approach to the task assigned to her was highly professional, ensuring good coordination with me and the overall project management. Her contribution was to the point, well-structured, perfectly-timed and excellently delivered. It was by far the best contribution of the round table, which consisted of business people from other European countries. I was also impressed by her multilingual and intercultural skills, where she was quite at home dealing with people from all over Europe.
Sharon Millar
Associate Professor
University of Southern Denmark

Som medforfatter til COWIs populære skrivevejledning på dansk og engelsk har Birgitta været med at opstille klare retningslinjer for god kommunikation. Det har været meget værdifuldt at have ens rammer for hele virksomheden, så vores ydelsers kvalitet afspejles i vores sprogpolitik. Birgitta har også afholdt vellykkede interne kurser i godt sprogbrug for at sikre forankring på tværs af organisationen. Derudover er hun en herlig, varm kollega, der holder humøret højt.
Louise Gyldstorff Kragh
Language Specialist
Vibeke Forsting
Section Manager
I had the pleasure of working with Birgitta in COWI, where we were employed in the same job functions in different business units. Birgitta’s strong points are her ability to write clearly and concisely regardless of how complicated the topic might be. She is an excellent text editor and communicator. In COWI’s language network she carried out various activities to promote and maintain language guidelines. I can highly recommend Birgitta as a highly skilled employee and a great colleague.
Anja Basilio Fabech
Chief Specialist, Language and Communications Consultant

As a copywriter, Birgitta has written texts for NorthHouse Partners’ website as well as our mission statement and product sheets for business transformation and training. We are highly satisfied with the results, the involving process that Birgitta uses when writing the texts, her ability to narrow down the most important points to include and how she tailors the language to the target group. We highly recommend Birgitta’s quality of work, understanding of business issues, adherence to deadlines and not least her pleasant and friendly personality.
Trine Krarup
Managing Director
NorthHouse Partners